Wah..lama btol HiddyAsri x buka belog ni.. Dulu punyala jaga...smpi busy skalipn, akan dimake surekan yg setiap bulan pastinya ada entry...Skrg, apa dh jadi? Hehehhe...
Nk cter sket, masuk blaja Sem 4 ni, aku agak kemalasan & tak bersemangat sket. Ntah nape tah.. Aku rs byk buang masa, buat mende tak berfaedah & nk relax je 24 jam. Mungkin, sbb skrg ni..aku tgk pihak universiti agak kelam kabut dr segi schedule management for e-pjj students. It gave me big frustration. Kami student e-pjj, bekerja & ada yg dh beranak-pinak pon..So, kelas sebulan ada 2x memberi sedikit effect kt our lives. Yeah, I do understand we need to sacrifice for the sake of knowledges & achieving something..but..pihak universiti must understand that the reason we took e-pjj because it offers flexible hours to full-time workers like us!! It seemed like, e-pjj tu dh lain sgt, sebulan mesti 2x kelas and not really 2x because it still depends to lecturer whether dia tetibe nk cuti dsb.. So, ia bole jadi sebulan ada 4x classes. OMG!
Utk sesape yg tak tahu, class e-pjj sebelum ni the schdule would be like..within 3-4 mths, only a month that we might have 2 classes.. The rest, once a month. But yeah, since the rescheduling of full time students utk mereka graduate cepat dilaksanakan, semua jadi tunggang-langgang. We feel really tired! Imagine that, to sit for classes the whole day from 8.30am - 5.30pm is really tiresome! Sekali lg, I treat this as challenge utk berjaya dptkn Diploma. Again, I understand..org kata..ala, kelas sebulan 2x pn merungut! Yes..It's not just because of the classes..Kami kesuntukan masa..X de masa yg cukup utk buat assignment..Dulu, klu wat assignment bln ni, the next mth baru anta..Skrg, bln ni dpt assignment, kelas lagi satu at the end of the month dh nk kene htr assignment :(
That is not the only issue I have here. Another thing, kenapa we all have to print out all the notes? We paid all enough for the fees. Guna duit KWSP tau!! We are paying much more than the full time students..but..the outcome, nota kene print sdr..and..I heard that lepas ni, buku tekspn kene print sdr..What's this? I just don't understand.. Pls, we are also spending money to travel to UiTM. Klu 1 subjek cancel and ganti ari lain, still kene pgi kelas gantian and we waste our petrol again. Bukan itu saja, fakulti di INTEKMA sgt tak awesome..Projektor x de.. Mcm mana klu lecturer nk buat presentation. OMG pening..toilet rosak and everything. Sop much frustration.
So, guys..I have to accept that the facts are, I am learning at this university to gain knowledge..and I need to be sincere and have the ability to sacrifice everything...including my social life, money, energy etc.. Kalau aku asyik merungut mcm ni, aku x ke mana2.. Ingatla kesusahan org lain esp full-time students (sorry yea bengang mula2 tap sbg dewasa, kami kene fikir dr 2 sudut utk kesedaran diri)..Sbb aku dgr mereka lg byk assignment nk kene buat, ada certain subjek depa ada hafazan and we all ada exceptions, bila lecturers mark final papers, depa bg consideration kt part timers - x strict ikut skema jwpn, consideration to do online quizzes which I love so much (guess what?), we don't have to sit for many quizzes and tests, consideration dateline utk postpone hantar assignment lmbt (upon lecturers' considerations) dsb la.
To lecturers lak, there are some of you who are very understanding about our lives. Ada yg btol2 fhm kita x de masa and ada yg treat us just like full-time students. Anyhow, semua utk kebaikan kami..Yea, no short cut for success, Hiddy. Ingat Hiddy, menimba ilmu ini suatu ibadah & menyebarkannya memberikan manfaat pd kita dan yg pentingmenimba ilmu adalah utk diri sdr, bkn utk bersaing! Klu mahu bersaingpn hanya dgn diri sendiri krn kt mmg x layak utk bersaing dgn org lain.
"There are three ingredients in the good life : learning, earning and yearning"
Christopher Morley
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