Jumaat, 28 Jun 2013

Sprint Cleaning Email

Dear All,

Referring to the HRD management meeting held yesterday, our VP expressed his concern on the condition of workstation/rooms/storage which are cluttered with many boxes, files, and many others.  This has resulted in messy look of our office, crowded workstation and storage area with less space to work and may also lead to unsafe work area.

Therefore he required us to :-

1.       Organize our filing system according to 5S standard
2.       Discard all unwanted things
3.       Keep active files neatly
4.       Send non-active, old files for storage with Crown if necessary.  (Ensure proper labelling and recording for ease of retrieval in the future)

Deadline to organize your workstation or storage area is by 3 August.  If things do not work, we will need to schedule one 5S Day before Ramadan. Hence, I am sure I will get everyone’s cooperation to organize your area(s) at your own time by 3 August.  One inspection will be conducted at random offices/areas after this date for us to decide if a 5S day is required before Ramadan.

Please note that this email is applicable to all HRD areas ie all offices, rooms, storage area, project sites etc.  

Happy working everyone.
Hiddy Asri

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