Isnin, 30 Januari 2012

Need Some Motivation?

The Secret Of Success Is Making Your Vocation A Vacation 

(Mark Twain)

Sabtu, 28 Januari 2012

Muzium Tentera Darat Port Dickson

Muzium ni sekali lalu mcm 'on' tak 'on' jea walaupun terletak di sepanjang jalan besar menuju ke Port Dickson. Mula2 masuk, agak menjengkelkan sikit sebab sukar mencari parking, yang disediakan berada jauh dan harus berjalan. Selepas sampai kat gate di bawah ini, korang harus berjalan sekali lagi sampai ke bangunan muzium tersebut.

Muzium ni boleh dikatakan besar giler. Ada 2 blok, 2 tingkat and belum lagi kawasan lapang yang menempatkan meriam, helikopter, kereta kebal dan macam2 lagi. Oh, yea! Masuk percuma. Yeay!

Ahad, 22 Januari 2012

Happy CNY - blk kg..

Hello readers..Actually,I don't really miss blogging. It is more to test on the new iPhone 4s. Anyway, I hv few photos taken just now. Anyway, I can't just share with you guys coz I
am still not familiar with the phone.
Will discover more about the phone. Till then.

Jumaat, 20 Januari 2012

Belum Terlambat Lagi Wei..

Just nak bagitau walau apapun yang kita lakukan, belom terlambat untuk kita berubah demi kebaikan kita. Yea, aku faham sekarang dah 20 Januari 2012, ada yang kata.."Bila la ko nak kotakan azam ko tu? Dh masuk akhir bulan Januari dah ni!". Hehhehe...

Belum terlambat untuk berubah..Walaupun aku berazam masa malam 1 Januari 2012 hari tu, aku lakukan segala azam aku untuk berubah ke arah kebaikan secara perlahan2..Bukan secara drastik. Sebagai manusia yang boleh disamakan dengan buluh, nak lentur perubahan pada diri tu memang melalui jalan sukar. Faham2 je la, buluh kalau nak lentur, tak ke sakit tangan ko nanti? Lainla kalau kau rebung diasuh dari kecil dengan sebaiknya..Bukanla aku nak cakap, parents aku tak asuh aku dengan betol ek, maksud aku..segala apa yang diajarkan, kalau kita tak tanamkan pada diri sendiri tak akan menjadi. Cakapla 10x pun nak berubah, tapi tetap tak boleh berubah kerana diri sendiri tak ready @ dah tanam dalam minda. X BOLEH..

Kita kene usaha untuk berubah! Itu perlu.. Macam belajar, kalau kita berusaha bersungguh2, mesti dapat kejayaan punya..Inysaallah...dengan izin Allah juga yea! Dalam usaha untuk berubah kita mesti commit apa yang kita lakukan itu. Mula2 memang terasa janggal tetapi bila dah lama2 practise, kita akan terbiasa and boleh jadi routine.

Aku sendiri akui, aku nak buang perangai merungut..Merungut aku bukanlah tahap kronik mcm  mengomel setiap apa yang kita dapat samada baik atau buruk tau! Rungutan aku terjadi bila aku penat dan tertekan aje. Haaaiissshh...Mula2 memang susah, tapi bila sycho diri, mcm ayat ni, "Engkau ingat engkau sorang yang penat? Dia tak penat? Kt opis bukan kau buat apa2pun. Main Tagged je.." Aku mula terasa betapa kerdilnya diri. Bila kita rasa diri kita susah, kita kene beringat ada orang yang lagi susah dari kita. Bila kita ingat kita penat, kita kene ingat ada orang lain yang lagi penat dari kita..dan orang tu tak tunjuk langsung kepenatannya! Bersyukurlah seadanya, buatalah semampunya dan berserahlah kepadaNya agar dipermudahkan jalan untuk memperbaiki diri dan mencari diri yang baru!!!

 Inat, kalau asyik nak merungut saja, sampai bila2pun tak berubah. Setiap apa yang diazamkan harus ditunjukkan melalui perbuatan, bukan percakapan kosong saje!!

Selasa, 17 Januari 2012

Thanks Pupel For The Synopsis!

Huaaa..banyak sgt cerita hantu sekarang ni. Sebagai peminat cerita 'alam misteri ni'. Aku memang ternanti-nanti naskah yang baik untuk ditonton. Melihat gazet iklan Keramat dan Sesuatu Yang Tertinggal membuat aku terpanggil untuk menonton wayang bersama hubby.

Tidak teruja! Itu yang dapat aku gambarkan apabila terbaca sinopsis dari sis Pupel ni. Anyway, thank sis Pupel sbb sudi wat sinopsis 2 khas utk aku plak tu. I love you lah.. Aku ni pulak jenis tak puas kalau org bagi sinopsis separuh jln jek (apala aku ni, dh namapun sinopsis..) pastu tulis, ikuti kesudahannya di pawagam2 terdekat. Hahahha..

Mesti korg kata, "Kalau dh bagitau jln cerita, ko mesti x nk tgk kan sbb kitaorg kata tak best."

Satu lagi perangai aku, kalau org dh bagitau jalan cerita ttg sesebuah filem / drama / buku ke apa ke..and disogokkan pendapat ianya best @ tak, kalau aku rs nk pgi tgk, aku pgi jugak. Sbb ble duduk tgk sendiri cerita tu utk lebih fhm sendiri walaupun dlm hati berkata, "Kan si polan kata tak best. Nk gak ko tgk yea." Lagi satu, ianya untuk kepuasan diri. Hati kata nk tgk gak..hahhaha..

Tapi, entah kenapa, setelah baca entry Movie - Keramat Sinopsi 2. Aku tak teruja langsung ak tgk. Sebab apa? Yea, HiddyAsri suka cerita hantu, bukan cerita fiksyen atau fantasi.. Hahha..sbb tu aku tertipu dgn cerita Misteri Jalan Lama tu. Hahhahahhaha..

Ideas To Make Life Easier

Why didn’t I think of that?!  We guarantee you’ll
Be uttering those words more than once at these
Ingenious little tips, tricks and ideas that solve
Everyday problems.

Hull strawberries easily using a straw.

Rubbing a walnut over scratches in your furniture
Will disguise dings and scrapes. 

Remove crayon masterpieces from your TV or
Computer screen with WD40.

Stop cut apples browning in your child’s lunch box
By securing with a rubber band.

Overhaul your linen cupboard, store bed linen sets
Inside one of their own pillowcases and there will
Be no more hunting through piles for a match.

Pump up the volume by placing your iPhone & iPod
In a bowl.  The concave shape amplifies the music.

Isnin, 16 Januari 2012

Nasi Goreng Paprik


5 pinggan nasi putih panas
1/2 kilo isi ayam / daging
6 biji cili api, dihiris
3 ulas bawang merah, dimayang halus
2 ulas bawang putih, dimayang
5 sudu sos cili
1 sudu sos tiram
1/2 batang serai dihiris
3 batang kacang panjang dipotong
2 sudu bawang goreng
Garam secukup rasa
Sedikit minyak masak

  • Panaskan minyak dan tumis bawang merah dan bawang putih. Bila kekuningan, masukkan cili api.
  • Masukkan sos cili, sos tomato, sos tiram, serai dan sedikit air.
  • Selepas mendidih, masukkan isi ayam / daging.
  • Masukkan garam secukup rasa diikuti kacang panjang dan nasi putih. 
  • Goreng selama 3 minit.
  • Hidangkan ketika masih panas.

Jumaat, 13 Januari 2012

Cakap Omputih

"Pelik..pelik..X reti cakap Melayu ke?"

"Adoi. Cakap tunggang-langgang, cakap Bahasa Melayu je la."

"Alamak, nak jawab apa ni?? Can I pass away?"

"Mmg aku terror English tapi muka dia dah sah2 Melayu, aku reply dlm BM je la." 

Itu adalah sebahagian dari dialog-dialog yg dituturkan oleh org Melayu yang berkebolehan, ingin mencuba @ tidak boleh langsung menggunakan Bahasa Inggeris kepada org Melayu yang lain untuk mengajukan soalan atau memulakan perbualan dalam Bahasa Inggeris aka cakap omputeh.

Sebagai org Melayu, perangai aku agak reverse sikit dari pandangan org Melayu lain. Contohnya, sekiranya ada yang mengajukan soalan @ memulakan perbualan dalam Bahasa Inggeris dengan aku, seboleh-bolehnya aku akan cuba membalas balik dalam bahasa yg sama dengan individu tersebut. Begitu juga jika aku pergi ke tempat2 di mana pada sesetengah situasi berkehendakkan aku untuk memulakan dialog dalam Bahasa Inggeris walaupun aku dapati individu tersebut org Melayu @ berkebolehan bertutur dalam Bahasa Melayu, aku tidak teragak2 untuk bertanya @ bercakap dalam Bahasa Inggeris.

Bukan untuk memperlekehkan Bahasa Melayu, tetapi kekadang pernahkah kita terfikir kenapa individu lain mengajukan soalan @ perbualan dalam Bahasa Inggeris. Dulu, aku pernah terkena dgn seseorg yg berkeboleh dlm Bahasa Inggeris. Apabila dia bertanya, pantas aku menjawab dalam bahasa yg sama. Dia tersenyum. Fikir aku, dia mungkin tersenyum mendengar jawapanku dalam Bahasa Inggeris secara tonggang-langgang. AL-maklumlah, kekadang kt berasa susah untuk menyusun ayat agar ayat yg kita tuturkan difahami oleh pihak lain. Percaya 2 tak, hati aku berkata..Lantaklah..sekurang-kurangnya aku boleh belajar dari kesilapan dan mencuba sehabis baik. 

Lama dia tersenyum, akhirnya dia berbahasa Melayu! Dia katakan padaku bahawa dia berbangga anak Melayu mencuba berbahasa Inggeris walaupun tidak sefasih mana. Yang penting katanya, perasaan ingin mencuba. Lebih baik mencuba dari tidak mencuba langsung. Katanya lagi, org yg belajar, selalunya akan belajar dari kesilapan. Malahan, kalau aku berbahasa Melayu dengannya, tiada apa2 yg dapat aku pelajari. Aku tersenyum sendirian selepas itu. Ingatkan dikutuk tetapi dipuji atas sikap aku tu.

Ok..ok..lupakan bahagian pujian yang membuatkan aku terawang2 sekejap. Pada situasi lain, ada satu Malay ni pergi ke front office sebuah company. Walaupun, tidak berkebolehan berbahasa Inggeris dengan lengkap, aku kagum dengan sikapnya yang seboleh-bolehnya ingin berbahasa Inggeris ketika itu. Sehinggakan receptionist itu memberi penjelasan dalam Bahasa Melayu kerana tidak faham apa yang dituturkannya. Lupakan seketika isu 'lagak' kerana tidak mahu kalah dengan Bahasa Inggerisnya. Aku memandang individu terbabit sebagai seseorg yg ingin mencuba sehabis mungkin, walaupun mungkin terselit rs malu apabila receptionist tersebut berbahasa Melayu ketika menjawab pertanyaannya.

Pada aku, kita sebagai bangsa Melayu mesti buang jauh perasaan sceptical, poyo, mengutuk orang lain dalam usaha untuk memperbaiki / mencuba / mendalami bahasa sekunder kita ni. Bukanlah maksudnya mengenepikan Bahasa Melayu tetapi memberi ruang pada diri sendiri dalam menginteprasi kebolehan berinteraksi dalam bahasa asing. Pendek kata, untuk memajukan diri juga!! Bukan ke kijo skrg interview nk guner English. x gitew??

Selasa, 10 Januari 2012

Menurunkan Berat Badan Melalui Exercise

Bagaimana nak menurunkan berat badan melalui exercise?
  1. Lakukan exercise 4-6 kali seminggu...KENAPA? Badan kita hanya blh menyimpan stamina hanya 48 jam shj... So lakukanlah exercise berselang seli spy anda tidak pancit.
  2. Lakukan senaman selama 30-60 minit tanpa henti.... KENAPA? pd 30 minit pertama baru membakar lemak & 45 min keatas membakar protein.
  3. Lakukan senaman yg pelbagai... KENAPA? utk medpt result yg maksimum...lakukan senaman yg melibatkan pelbagai latihan otot2 yg besar dan kecil. Cth hari Sabtu latihan step aerobik, hari Isnin latihan gym, hari Rabu latihan bellydance, hari Jumaat latihan kickboxing dsb... Dgn cara begini badan anda nampak lebih cantik, sekata, tegap dan bergaya... Mungkin anda perasaan atau tidak slps 3-6 bln exercise badan menjadi besar dibhg atas dan kecil di bawah atau sebaliknya... Dan perut tetap tak kempis2... Maksudnya anda tidak mempelbagai sentuhan otot2 secara khusus semasa exercise...

Harap info ini dpt membantu sedikit sbyk kpd anda semua...

Tips ini dipetik dr

Isnin, 9 Januari 2012

Minerva 600 Modern Business Letters In English & Bahasa Malaysia (Bilingual Edition)

Title : Minerva 600 Modern Business Letters In English & Bahasa Malaysia (Bilingual Edition)
ISBN 973-68-0330-0
Author : Yoong Kai Seng
Price : RM33.00 (Pustaka Mukmin Sdn. Bhd.)
Publisher : Minerva Publication (NS) Sdn Bhd

The letters in this book are written in simple straightforward style that is popular in this modern world. Much of the formalities of older styles have been omitted. The simplifies things and get to the point faster. The letters are only meant as a guide, not to be copied. In writing your letter, the important things to remember are to be courteous and keep to the point.That is how all the letters in this book are written.

 Hiddy's Opinion :

I really love this book! This book helps me by giving idea on how to write well for business letters. There are so many examples for employment letters, running a business, financial matters, social matters, insurance, real estate, clubs & societies and miscellaneous including memorandum. The letters are also written in both english and Malay.

Of course, there are also a few things I dislike about this book. The senteces are too straight forward. In fact, translation from English to Malay letters are a bit messy and not suitable but still it's a good reference for those who need it. Like me!

Ahad, 8 Januari 2012

BOH Green Tea - Best Ke?

Product : BOH Green Tea
Price : RM
Net Weight : 75gm
Distributor : BOH In Singapore Pte. Ltd.

Ingredients : 100% Green Tea Leaves

BOH Green Tea is first steamed, then rolled and dried in a traditional process mastered over the centuries. Its delicate aroma, light and refreshingly uplifting taste complements its natural antioxidant properties, giving you a green tea to sooth, refresh and revitalize your mind and body. Enjot its exceptional value, warm or cold.

Preparation : Pour fresh boiling water onto the teabag and infuse for 2 minutes according to taste.

Hiddy's Opinion :

Best like other tea (maybe because I love drinking tea so much). Since it's green tea, it is advisable to have it without sugar. Recommended by the BOH worker to slim down your size. Take it daily.

Sabtu, 7 Januari 2012

A New Year Gained or a New Year Lost ??

by Asma bint Shameem

Before we knew it, last year passed by like a flash and the new year is here....
For some people, the beginning of the new year is marked by excited countdowns, popping of firecrackers, partying till the wee hours of the morning and dancing.
And for some, it is a time for somber thoughtfulness and self accountability.
Instead of celebrating, they are worried and scared.
Instead of partying, they think and reflect.
Their hearts tremble and their skins shiver.

Because each year that passes means a year LESS from their lifetime.....

Each year that passes by is bringing them closer to their death....
Because, they know that with each passing year....each passing month....each passing day.....and each passing second...they are that much closer to that inevitable event when they meet their end,
that much closer to their meeting with their Lord, when they will have to stand in front of Him and answer regarding all that they did.
They are aware that whatever time has passed will never come back.
They know that if they did not make the most of their time, and if they did not use their time wisely, in the obedience of Allaah, then surely, they are the losers.
That is because, the Prophet (sal Allaahu Alaiyhi wa sallam) said:
"On the Day of Resurrection the feet of the son of Adam (man) will not move till he is questioned about four things: how he spent his lifetime, how he spent his youth, from where he acquired his wealth and how he spent it, and what he did with his nowledge." (Tirmidhi)

So they take account of themselves and their deeds at the end of a year....and at the end of a month.....and at the end of a day. They are not heedless of the passage of time or day. They are conscious of every second of their lives and how important it is to spend it usefully.
You see, your life is like the pages of a calendar. As the months go by, you flip its pages, never to flip the pages back. Those months that have passed will never come back.

Similarly, as the days and weeks and months of your life go by, they too, will never come back.
What is gone, is gone.
That is why the righteous Salaf were so careful about their time and how they spent it. They made sure that no time, however short it was, passed without doing something useful, like acquiring useful knowledge, doing good deeds, helping others, or advising the Ummah.

Describing the Salafs care for time, Hasan al-Basri said: "I saw those people and how they were more careful about their time than about their Dirhams and Dinars (meaning, their money).

Regarding Imaam Hammad ibn Salamah, someone said: "It is unbelievable! I have never seen Hammad laugh at all. He was always busy explaining hadeeth, praying, reading or praising the Lord. This is how he spent his day." And:" If you were to tell Hammad, You are going to die tomorrow', there would be nothing he could add to what he is already doing."
Subhaan Allaah! What consciousness of the value of time!
Ibn al-Qayyim says: "The year is like a tree, months are its branches, days are the branch sticks, hours are its leaves, and the breaths are its fruits. Therefore, if one's breaths are in obedience [to Allah and His Messenger], the fruits of his tree are good. If they are in disobedience, his fruits are bitter. The harvest is on the Appointed Day, when one's fruits are found out to be either good or bitter."

The Prophet (sal Allaahu Alaiyhi wa sallam) said:
“Make the most of five things before five others: life before death, health before sickness, free time before becoming busy, youth before old age, and wealth before poverty.” (Saheeh al-Jaami’)
This Hadeeth, like so many other ahaadeeth of the Prophet (sal Allaahu Alaiyhi wa sallam), is brief, yet it is so comprehensive and loaded with meaning. Not only does it point out the value of time, but it also points out the importance of its proper utilization during our youth, and health. It urges us to take the initiative, and not to delay good deeds.
The Prophet (sal Allaahu Alaiyhi wa sallam) also said:
"Lose no time to do good deeds before you are caught up by one of seven calamities awaiting you: a starvation which may impair your wisdom; a prosperity which may mislead you; an ailment which may damage your health; an old age which may harm your senses; a sudden death; the Dajjal; or Doomsday, which is indeed the hardest and most bitter." [at-Tirmidhi]

In fact, we see that the Sahaabah were not only careful about wasting their time; rather they would compete with one another in good deeds.

The noble and commendable competitions that occurred between Abu Bakr and Umar is well-known to all.
"Umar saw that as an opportunity to outstrip Abu Bakr and he said: Today, I am going to surpass Abu Bakr.
He said: So I came with half of my property.

The Messenger of Allaah asked: What have you left for your family? I answered: As much as this.
Then Abu Bakr came with all that he has and the Messenger of Allaah said: What have you left for your family?
He replied: I left for them Allaah and his Messenger.
It is then that I said: I shall never compete with him on anything again.” (At-Tirmidhee).

And Allaah says: "So race in goodness." (Surah Baqarah: 148)

Some Ulamaa while commenting on the above verse said: “Whoever beats others to the righteous deeds in this world will be the foremost on the Last Day and the foremost people are the highest in position.”

Dear brothers and sisters, mans life is not free from impediments, obstacles and calamities, which can prevent him from accomplishing what could have been done earlier. Wise are those who grab available opportunities before being handicapped by obstacles.

Let us leave those people moving aimlessly in their fake pleasures and ponder over a better and sublime competition....... a competition that is encouraged by the Glorious Quraan.

It is a race towards the Pleasure of Allaah and the Paradise....a competition in the field of righteous deeds.

It is a competition in which the participants are wise people who are aware that this live is short hence they compete with one another in investing their lives in acts of obedience to Allaah.

"Therefore, race for forgiveness from your Lord, and for a Garden as wide as heaven and earth, prepared for those who believe in Allah and His Messengers. Such is the Favor of Allah; He gives it to whom He will. Allah is the Owner of great favor."
(Surah Hadeed: 21)

Rabu, 4 Januari 2012

Welcome 2012!!

Salam semua..Apa azam 2012? Azam Hiddy thn ni:-
  • Nak dapatkan cahaya mata
  • Nak kerja dengan bersungguh-sungguh di tempat baru
  • Nak belajar bersungguh2 hingga berjaya
  • Perbaiki diri, muhasabah..
  • Ingat nak bukak bisnes

Doakan HiddyAsri berjaya capai cita-cita ni. Amin :)

Business Letter - Employment (Giving Testimonial)

Jalan Hiddy Asri, 26700 Muadzam Shah, Pahang

4th January 2012


This is to certify that K.A.K.A. has been a student of this school from 2000 to 2001.

K.A.K.A. was a hardworking student who always did his best in his studies as well as in extra-curricular activities. He scored 7 A's in the PMR examinations and is expected to do well in the SPM examinations that he sat for recently.

In sports, he represented the school and the state in athletics and soccer. He is the reigning school 400 m champion and the much feared striker of the state's combined schools' soccer team. I would not be suprised if he were to be drafted into the national soccer team in the near future.

K.A.K.A. is well liked by both the teachers and his school mates. He has a easygoing nature, a good sense of humour and an ability to see the positive side of things. As such he was a school perfect and class monitor at various times of his school life. He is helpful, considerate and demonstrates  remarkable leadership qualities beyong his teen years.

I strongly recommend him for any job or position that requires a trustworthy person who learns things quickly. He will be an asset to any organisation who is lucky enough to secure his services.

Hjh. Hiddy Asri

HID: sbb

This letter has been edited by me and credit to Minerva 600 Modern Business Letters In English & Bahasa Malaysia (Bilingual Edition).

Isnin, 2 Januari 2012

Bagaimana kita gemuk?

Salam dan selamat pagi.... Ramai yg hairan & terkilan krn badan masih x turun2 gak wlupun dah lebih 3 thn aktif dlm exercise,ada yg buat aerobik sampai 3-6 kali seminggu... Tapi tubuh turun mcm yoyo...sekejap turun, sekejap naik... KENAPA? TAHUKAH anda punca kenaikan berat badan dtgnya 70% dari cara kita mkn & hanya 30% dari exerise... B'makna jika anda exercise mcm mana sekali pun tapi jika cara ...pengambilan mknan yg salah tubuh x akan turun dgn consistent.... yg lagi parah exercise dah langsung x buat & mkn pulak x ingat dunia.... Mrk ini sebenarnya tlh mengumpul & tarik semua penyakit kronik spt kencing manis, kolesterol tinggi, darah tinggi dsb...Kita suruh exercise tak nak!!!! Aduhai fikir2kan skrg... Anak2 masih memerlukan bimbangan anda tapi jika anda asyik sakit & penumpuan anda pd kerja terganggu...Nak cari rezeki pun tersekat2 sbb byk sgt penyakit...So tolonglah buat exercise demi kebaikan diri dan keluarga.....

Tips dari,

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